
اطلاعات "Enter"فشار دادن

Frequently Asked Questions:

- Is it mandatory to register for SAORG and obtain education without hindrance to start studying or not?

            It is mandatory to obtain the tracking code and submit it to the consular office.

- Is it possible to obtain immediate exit and appeal?

            Except in special cases, obtaining exit and return visas requires at least 10 working days.

- Is it possible to apply for departure and return at the same time as applying for the issuance and extension of the academic residence?

            No, due to the difference between the process of issuance and extension of residence and the process of departure and return, it is not possible to apply at the same time.

- Is it possible to get an academic residence without buying a safe life insurance?

            No, to issue and extend the academic residence, you must buy safe life insurance.

- Is it necessary to repurchase safe life insurance to apply for departure and return?

            No, to leave and return, there is no need to purchase the safe life insurance again because you took the safe life insurance at the time of issuance or renewal.

- Is it possible to obtain an academic residence for more than one academic year?

            Yes, scholarship students can apply for academic residence for the duration of their studies by providing educational documents.

- Can I study at this university with a tourist visa?

            No, getting a study visa is mandatory.

- How many times a year can I leave the country?

            Every student who has a student residence can request to leave the country 4 times each year.

- How long before the end of my stay should I extend it?

            The student is obliged to extend the stay at least 45 days before the end of the stay.

- Can anyone except the owner of the passport take it?

            No, it is possible to obtain it by someone else only if you have an official power of attorney from the passport holder.

متن استاتیک شماره 39 موجود نیست